Judge Scrabby Finally Approved and Released

Scrabble fiends rejoice!  It took about three weeks longer than it really should have (details here), but Judge Scrabby, my Scrabble word challenger, is finally in the App Store.

For those of you wondering how I managed to get such an “objectionable” application through the review process, it turned out to be quite simple.  Drum roll please … My super awesome technique boils down to doing absolutely nothing to Judge Scrabby.  That’s right, nada, zilch, zero.  I simply resubmitted the binary that had been previously rejected.  I must have had this app store reviewer the first time through ;-).

Now go play some Scrabble.  You know you want to.

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2 Responses to Judge Scrabby Finally Approved and Released

  1. BILL KILBURG says:

    Please contact me regarding your personal guaranty on the lease for Semiconix Corp. I can be reached at 1-866-629-0002. It is important that I speak with you. Thank you!

    Bill Kilburg
    GreatAmerica Leasing Corporation
    Fax 319-261-6171
    Email: bkilburg@galc.com

  2. Tanya says:

    I had the judge scrabby a year or so go and now it’s not to be found on the iTunes store and my computer fried before I could re-sync it to get it back. What happened to it? Is it being listed under another name?

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